How is book with Anago Travel better than booking on my own?
We get it, there's loads of resources online to help the average traveler plan their own trip. Here's the advantages we've found with booking through Anago: 1. You'll save time. - We do all the scouring prices, researching & planning for you so you can focus on your day to day. 2. You'll save money - Did I mention we spend a lot of time scouring prices? Booking with a group and trusted travel partner will allow us to get discounted rates & find the best deals. 3. You can actually relax. - It's easy to get bogged down by picking the best dinner spot, routing the subway trains & tracking down lost baggage, we want your vacation to be as stress-free as possible. So we help navigate those decisions and problem solve any issues with you!
How far in advance do I need to plan my trip?
We recommend 4-9 months in advance. But we can work up to 2 years in advance with you! ​
Can you plan trips with kids?
Absolutely! We love working with travelers of all ages and will find the perfect stays, activities, meals & pace built around your families unique needs.
Is there any money down?
Nope! Deposits are not due until an agreed upon date once a trip is confirmed.​
What if I'm just gathering information but not ready to book yet?
That's what we're here for! We'd still love to talk with you and give you an idea of what we can do so you have all you need once you are ready.
Can you customize a tour itinerary?
Absolutely! We want your experience to be as unique as you are. Our sample itineraries are great starting points but we can add, change & take away to fit your needs.
What if you don't offer the destination I want to visit?
No problem! We love expanding our horizons to new destinations and exploring new areas.

You get to focus on enjoying your trip!
We ensure your trip runs smoothly and work with your local guide & partners to handle any issues that may arise.
You invite people to join & prepare for your trip.
We handle all the planning from start to finish, answer your guests' questions & communicate with them along the way.
You set up a time to tell us about your desires for your trip.
We will create a customized package for you.